This has been going on for
over six years
click here
The picture above is linked, but if it doesn't go,
take out the spaces after you
copy & paste the address -
rumble. com/v563ivu-unimaginable. html

Originally written 2019

First website done in 2018 - https://myinventionsonline.wordpress. com
Second website it was done in 2019 - https://cellphonesafetycom.wordpress.com
WHAT THIS IS ABOUT (2nd incarnation) - https://justiceprevail.wixsite.com/4all
1st incarnation done in 2020 - https://barbarawurden.wixsite.com/information
First version of this website - https://goddesshacked.wordpress.com
Another version of this site - https://help-me.mystrikingly.com
Yet another version of this site - https://investigate-this.mystrikingly.com
Quotes from professionals - https://telephoneCON.wordpress.com
Another website created in 2019 - https://spiritualoutlookblog.wordpress.com
A letter to Gloria Allred - https://glowingallred.wordpress.com
It's two pictures - https://screaming4help.wordpress.com
My tarot cards done in the last 3 years - https://heart.ucraft.site
My tarot cards again with 'SEE THIS' page - https://wonderwomantarot.com
My tarot cards again with 'SEE THIS' page - https://absolutelySEEthis.com
Personal website - https://wurden.com & https://barbarawurden.com
(I've had for over thirty years)

It's now 2024

I've been just surviving
these past six years