WOW we all must respond wisely

This woman took the doctors advice and she got pregnant
FCC Warning
( given with cellphones )
Caution: Exposure to radiofrequency Radiation
The device shall be used in such a manner that potential for human contact with normal operation is minimized. If you must conduct extended conversations by wireless phone everyday, place more distance between your body and the source of RF, since the exposure level drops off dramatically with distance. To be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the FCC, IC and European Union guidelines, carry the cellphone away from the human body.
SAR compliance for body-worn operation is based on a separation distance of 10mm between the unit and the human body.
"That tells me we must keep the cellphone away from the body"
The book - The Truth About Cellphone Radiation by Dr, Devra Davis

Study finds sperm levels of men who keep their cellphones in their
pocket during the day were quite seriously affected
Should there be a law
banning cellphones in pockets ?

An 8% drop in speed may not seem like a huge percentage. but when you realize that cell phones are not only slowing your sperm down, but also killing them, it may be cause for alarm.

Mobile phones are 'cooking' men's sperm
Will Keeping a
in Your Pocket
Affect Sperm Count?

Cell phone radiation may negatively affect sperm quality in men by decreasing the semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm count, mobility, and viability, thus impairing male fertility. This should be supported by mass media to raise awareness among people regarding the possible health effects of radiofrequency emissions from mobile phones and to minimize its exposure.
Mohammed Abu El-Hamd, Soha
Faculty of medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
Cell phone & male infertility
A Cell Phone in a Pocket,
Did You Know It Can Reduce Male Fertility
Written and reviewed by
Dr. Rahul Gupta
MD - Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Most people keep their cell phones in their jeans or trouser pockets or clipped to a belt on their waist. While this does make the phone easily accessible, it also affects male fertility.
Given the close proximity of the cell phone and your body, this energy may be absorbed by your genitals. As a result, the sperm cells may change shape and lose their ability to attach themselves to an egg.

Professor Martha Dirnfeld, of the Technion University in Hafia, said:
We analyzed the amount of active swimming sperm and the quality and found that it had been reduced. We think this is being caused by a
heating of the sperm
from the phone.
Cellphone Radiation might be a DRAGgggg on Sperm

Men take note:
Storing a cellphone in your pants pocket may result in impaired sperm movement, a controversial new study suggests.
Fiona Mathews, University of Exeter , United Kingdom, said in a statement.
This study strongly suggests that being exposed to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation from carrying mobiles in trouser pockets negatively affects sperm quality.
Guys, That Cell Phone in Your Pocket Could Be Cooking Your Sperm
If you're like most guys, you have your cell phone stashed in your pocket. It seems like the most sensible place to put it, but beware - it could be slowly poaching your sperm and increasing your risk of infertility. More and more studies are linking mobile phone radiation to infertility, with some scientists describing it as "cooking" sperm. Infertility already affects one in 25 men, and the proliferation of wireless devices we use - laptops, cell phones, tablets - is causing researchers to start looking into just what's happening when all the technology sits on our laps.

Cellphone Radiation Affects Fertility
Manas Ganguly, founder, Brightsandz Clean Tech
The radiation waves emitted from cell phones are non-ionizing and considers as one of the most dangerous forms of pollution created by technology. These invisible radiation waves cause significant damage to reproductive organs in human beings. The long hour exposure to cell phones in front and back pocket trousers impacts the health of testes and quality of sperm in men. Moreover, the close proximity of cell phones to men's lower halves of the body directly exposes it to Electromagnetic radiation adversely affecting their sperm count.
Cell phones negatively affect male fertility
Men who keep a mobile phone in their trouser pocket could be inadvertently damaging their chances of becoming a father, according to a new study led by the University of Exceter

Sharon Begley - science columnist and editor of Newsweek
In her 2010 book Disconnect: The truth about Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family, Dr. Devra Davis recount the story of a couple who had been unable to conceive. One doctor told them to keep their cellphone off their bodies and use them to only to text or with a corded headset for two months. Within a year, they had a baby.

EMF emitted by mobile phones has a number of well-documented adverse metabolic effects on male and female reproductive systems which leads to infertility.
-Courtney Lynch, PhD and colleagues - Medicine / Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Public Health

A number of respected fertility clinics report regular mobile phone use contributes to infertility.
- Dr. Masood Sepehrimanesh, PhD and Dr. Devra Lee Davis, PhD.
Beware men: Your smartphone could affect your reproductive health adversely

Keeping the cell phone in front pockets for over 4 hours daily is found to be associated with the percentage of immature sperms.
According to a study conducted by Cleveland Clinic Foundation of Ohio , use of cell phones decreases semen quality by reducing sperm count, mobility, viability and normal morphology. Keeping the call phone in front pockets for 4 hours daily is found to be associated with the percentage of immature sperms. Moreover, a significant change is believed to damage the DNA impairing the fertility in men.
Cell phones negatively affect male fertility
new study suggests

This study strongly suggests that being exposed to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation from carrying mobiles in trouser pockets negatively affects sperm quality.
Quotes from the one-sheet I made, it's found on my Facebook page:
A number of countries confirm that cellphone damage sperm and there's a lower sperm count with healthy donors.
- Dr. Devra Davis, and Ondokuz Mayis Environmental Health Trust

News agency's and universities are reporting
Infertility can be caused by cellphones being carried in pockets. Medical professionals warn us cellphones carried next to the body can cause infertility, and it's written in cellphone manuals that the FCC tells us to carry the cellphone away from the body.
You can Sterilize an entire population by exposing them to the same carrier frequency used for cellphone services.
- Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt The Klinghardt Institute and Barrie Trower, a British M6 scientist
Keep the Phone
OUT of your Pocket

It's important to get the facts straight
Dr. Carlo, a scientist hired by the cell phone industry in the 90's, now believes cell phones are the greatest health hazard of our time. In his view, there is no question that mobile phones cause terrible health consequences.
Dr. George Carlo's book: